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2019-06-03CANalyzer Panel with Send Functionality
Support Note: The following Support Note describes the steps for creating a panel with send functionality in CANalyzer.
2019-09-11Installation of CANoe Matlab Interface
Question: How to find the CANoe Matlab Interface? Answer: The CANoe Matlab interface installation file is located in: CANoe 7.0-8.2: …CANoe DemosDemo_AddonMatlab CANoe 8.5 -9.0: C:UsersPublic DocumentsVector CANoe <version>Installer Additional...

Vectorportal Fiji Flag is huge database of free vector images. It has been repeatedly voted as top 10 free vector resources on the Internet by various web sites that review graphic design resources.

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2020-05-13Converting a CAN Database into a CAN FD Database
Question: How to modify a CAN database so it can be used to send CAN FD frames on a CAN FD bus? Answer: CAN FD frames (messages) require some additional attributes compared to CAN frames. These attributes need to be added to the database. The template CAN_FD Template.dbc contains the...

Vectorportal Stock Vectors Type

Configuration Management and Simultaneous Work with CANoe Configurations
For the configuration management of CANoe configurations the following facts and policies apply: Working on a CANoe configuration is file-based, all configuration files are stored on the file system Vector suggests using a file structure consisting of one main folder and multiple subfolders: ...
2020-02-05VectorportalVectorportalPanel Designer Replaces Panel Editor Completely from CANoe and CANalyzer 13.0
The option to keep Panels created in Panel Editor format ends with CANoe/CANalyzer 13.0. When a CANoe configuration is opened with a recent CANoe version, panels in CNP format (from Panel Editor) are automatically converted and saved in the Panel Designer XVP file format (“EXtended Vector...
2020-01-28CANoe versus CANoe pro
Question: When do I speak of CANoe and when of CANoe pro? Answer: pro is a “variant” of CANoe. The other available variants are pex and run. Each variant comprises a different scope of functional features as described in the products section of with pro offering the full range...
2020-01-30XL Hardware Support by CANoe and CANalyzer
CANoe/CANalyzer supports two hardware families: XL hardware; available since 2004 VN hardware; available since 2012 From CANalyzer/CANoe version 15.0 there will be no more support for XL hardware. This applies for the follwing products: CANcardXL CANcardXLe CANcaseXL (log) ...
2020-04-08VectorportalConfigurations Created with CANoe/CANalyzer from Version 12.0 Should Not Use Environment Variables
Since CANoe/CANalyzer 7.0 System Variables are supported as a successor of Environment Variables for configurations in CANoe and CANalyzer. Starting from CANoe and CANalyzer 12 no more new Environment Variables can be created in CANdb++ Editor. It is still possible to use existing...
2020-04-14Interaction Layer Configuration Cannot Be Opened in Simulation Setup
Question: Why can I not open the Interaction Layer (IL) configuration dialog of my CANoe configuration? Answer: The IL configuration dialog does not support AUTOSAR ≥ 4.2 databases (ARXML) and cannot be used. If changes are to be made here, you can use the FaultInjection functions of...

Tsp Vectorportal

CANoe Test Feature Set TutorialVectorportal
Support Note: The Support Note CANoe Test Feature Set Tutorial describes how to work with the CANoe Test Feature Set. It focuses on demonstrating three implementations: Creating a simulated ECU with a single CAN network. Simulating the remaining bus which is required for the simulated ECU. ...